I know some excellent Moms. Ironing-the-uniform-Mom, sit-down-to-amazing-food-nightly-Mom, gorgeous-house-entertaining-Mom. Six-pack-abs Mom. Essential-oil-diffusing-pressure-points-sensory inputting-Mom. I know Moms who save lives while kids are at school. I know Moms who pick up one more hour of work and pay because a birthday is coming up. I know SO MANY GREAT MOTHERS.... and the one thing they have in common? They all think they're barely scraping by. I don't know a single Mom who thinks she's killing it. They speak with eyes lowered about finding "someone to talk to" when they find the time, because the anxiety of their load is slowly pressing on their windpipe. They can't breathe. A few will allow that they're "good" moms, but no further. "Great" is not possible. There are too many ways to make mistakes and those mistakes make us unworthy of great. This free floating anxiety doesn't discriminate. We choos...