I'm a camp girl. In my kitchen you cans see a camp sticker on the family command center. It's fairly likely I'm wearing a washed out camp t-shirt. The biggest compliment I've ever given my husband is that he could have been a camp counselor- he's that good of a guy (he was otherwise occupied making actual money to pay for college while I traipsed around the woods, extending youth as far as it would go). This year I took my girls to Mother/Daughter weekend at the very same place I spent summers- I walked them around and listened to traditions old and new explained. I watched them jump off high dives (twisted ankle) and pick their way up the rock climbing tower ("I can't do it!"). They were delighted to stand on the benches and scream sing. They baked cinnamon rolls from scratch. They shot archery and rifles and took shots in battleball. They jumped in with their whole hearts and grew mine in the process. I watched in wonder (and a few ...