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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Holiday Feminist

I almost named this post “How to make sure your wife is still talking to you after Thanksgiving”, but it lacked a certain something, you know?  I’ll be honest with you, my particular brand of holiday feminism set in late in life- I didn’t know any better. In a family with five women and one lone Dad, what the men were or weren’t doing during the holidays wasn’t really on my radar- all the fun was in the kitchen.  Now that I have four children, aged seven and under, things look quite a bit different from my end. Holidays just weren’t meant to be spent planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, serving, and cleaning (all while minding kiddos) with no end in sight.  Husbands, fathers, thrilled-to-be-childless-bachelor uncles, college-aged-home-on-break-menfolk hear me: this is a holiday for the enjoyment of all , and your participation is not just wanted, it’s required.   So, what can you do to be a holiday hero?  Read on friends. 1- Play with the kids ...